Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Year 2

I'm a few days into my 2nd year at SJSU. For the most part, I've gotten the hang of daily life on campus. And for the first time ever I don't have classes on Fridays! Oh, college can be wonderful like that!

This year, I am living in an on-campus apartment. This differs from the dormitory I lived in last year in several ways. For one, I have 4 roommates instead of just 1. We have 3 single rooms and 1 double room, our own restroom, kitchen and living room. We also share a fridge. This brings me back to my primal fear of having my insulin stolen, but they are all pretty solid guys whom I trust. But this isn't the only major change in my life that has come up recently.

I've had to say my goodbyes to Lucile Packard's Childrens' Hospital. The reason being, I am no longer a child. There were plenty of great nurse practitioners and endocrinologists who took care of me over there. I'd like to give shoutouts to Kari Benassi, Netra Punjabi and Bruce Buckingham. Wonderful physicians who ensured I was at my best health in my youth.

I now see a big-boy endocrinologist who is already doing a fine job of keeping me on my toes and in check. She always pushes me towards a lower A1C every time I go in (as opposed to having 7.0 or less being a-ok) which I must suppose is an adult thing that I will gladly accept.

On a completely different topic, I am now starting to take Anatomy! A class that I will find very relevant on my path to becoming a nurse practitioner! Not for the faint of heart I must say, but loads of fun and plenty interesting. One minute I am inspecting a cadaver's heart with my (gloved) hands, and five later sees me eating lunch. Woo!

I'll keep you posted,


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