Thursday, July 21, 2016

DASH Camp - Bushrod 2016

Today marks the beginning of the second week of DASH's 2016 Bushrod Camp. I was lucky enough to volunteer alongside Lucas, John and several Samuel Merritt nursing school students last week*. A very eager bunch that I was also lucky reconnect with or meet. We had an average of 10-11 campers a day (both diabetics and non-diabetics) who seemed to really enjoy camp.

Overall, the camp was a success in my eyes. Each day, we would follow a schedule consisting of two to three sports and/or physical activities (kickball and zombie tag were particular favorites) before lunch, a mixed bag of diabetic discussion during and after lunch, followed by three to four more sports/physical activities. The founder, Lucas Fogarty, even hinted at a '4100 Club' - wherein all camp members and staff would complete a collective total of 2000 push-ups, 2000 sit-ups and 100 sprints. We never did get around to it, though I am certain our campers and staff would have been more than willing to step up to the occasion.

What really spoke to me was the thorough care of diabetes we ensured for each and every camper. We weren't perfect in managing their blood glucoses as the keen experience of a doctor would provide, but we involved the kids in the process and encouraged them to fully understand and ask questions. Beyond that, the campers were more than capable and willing to answer any and all questions about diabetes that the nursing students had for them. That alone made me swell with enormous pride for this upcoming generation of diabetics. Awareness and good vibes being spread all around.

The parents would come back each morning and tell us how well the kids slept off their exhaustions and - a lot of the time - would report more in-range glucoses upon returning home, at night and the following morning. My butt got kicked by the sports and exercise (a real wake-up call) and I am too spoiled by summer sleep-ins. But it definitely made me feel like we were making a difference. That is what I cherish about DASH camp - the camaraderie, the fun to be had, the willingness to learn and grow. Why I would wake each morn to see those kids' happy and eager faces.

I would do it again every time.

*Due to family vacation, I am unable to be in attendance for this week :( Way to kill the moment, right?

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